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Phoenix 5.0.9 from pdx-e2e-win32.msi: Installing Phoenix 5.0.9 from pdx-e2e-win32.msi should work in one of the following ways: (Using pdmlatest- Double-click the downloaded file. (Also available at Follow the on-screen instructions to install the product. (Using an MSI installer): (using other non-MSI installer): Download the non-MSI installer. Unzip the file. Copy pdmlatest- to the location you want to install Phoenix. Run pdmlatest- NOTE: When using Windows, be sure to use the correct language for the Windows environment. The Windows installer will install version of Phoenix in your pdmlab directory. ERRORS: Error code: Unable to read the package or some of the required files. Please check the installation location and try again. Unknown Error. Package Phoenix_5.0.9.msi (Installed) Known Issues No known issues. Getting Started Run the Phoenix Server. This launches the Phoenix web server, which is available at This is a convenient place to start. Note that the web server needs to be manually restarted each time that the Phoenix components are upgraded. The use of cookies ensures that you are not sent the same ad more than once. For details on how we use cookies, click here. Note that your computer must be connected to the Internet in order

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